Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Heart Smiles


"Give a smile to a loved one,
a friend or a stranger 
and it will brighten their day~
Give a smile from the Heart
and it could change their lives!"
(Author unknown)
  You just never know who's day you'll brighten, or how they'll brighten yours back. Had a customer come through and he only bought a couple of things. I didn't see the other gentleman with him, he was behind the first one and somewhat on the short side, as most down syndrome folks are. When I noticed him, I smiled at him and he smiled back. As they turned to leave I heard him tell (his dad?) the other gentleman, "She's pretty." Thank you for bringing a smile to my heart today sir, I don't get many heart smiles at work.

Do you get to experience Heart Smiles? What are some of things, situations or people that have made your Heart Smile?

** I'm unsure if the artist who made the pin above is still making jewelry, but it gave me another heart smile when I saw it and I had to use it.**

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